Chalice Well Essence 'Birth' | Imbolc


Emergence | New Life
This Essence offers the first stirrings of the emerging new, whilst preserving its innocence and true nature. Helpful for new beginnings, starting projects and giving freshness and new life to the old.
Born from winter dreaming, life stirs and the first tender shoots emerge from the earth. As the wheel turns, we feel the promise of Spring and the dawning of a new beginning.



The Wheel of Life Essences embody moments in time with seasonal energies and cosmic forces. They add grace and flow as we navigate the fulfilment of our projects and dreams, and facilitate the Soul’s authentic expression into form, living from our blueprint and fullness.

The Essences also aid in the bringing of Spirit into matter, giving our inner promptings life. Like the power that grows a plant from seed to stem, leaf, flower and fruit - they enable our dreams to unfold with a deep sense of natural order, anchored by the deep stillness of the Well.

These were co-created by hundreds who gathered at the Well to observe and experience nature’s cycle through the Wheel of the Year midday meditations. These fall on the indigenous Celtic Festivals of Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, Autumn Equinox, Samhain and Winter Solstice.

During these ceremonies all present connect to the seasonal and Devic energies and each other and this is imprinted upon the water within the crystal bowl placed on the Well.

Choosing Your Essence

Ask yourself the question “What do I want more of in my life right now?” Then sense, feel or see which essence or quality you would like to experience more of.

These Essences are most effective when worked with consciously. We suggest calling upon the Spirit of the Well and asking that you may receive all that you need at this time.
We recommend that you take 7 drops, under the tongue or added to water, twice a day, or as intuitively guided.