The Chalice Well Essences Workshops 

The Chalice Well Essences Workshops 


This BFVEA accredited practitioner training programme touches all aspects of working in conscious partnership with nature through vibrational and flower essences. 
Each workshop is designed as a stand alone experience. All four workshops combine to deliver a complete professional training programme in Flower and Vibrational Essences Therapy. 
Learn and study within the unique environment of this ancient holy well. Imagine the simple joy of making your own essence, or fulfilling your vision of becoming a practitioner or essence producer. These workshops will support, inspire and guide you at every level. 


Sophie, a Trustee at Chalice Well, has been part of the Chalice Well Flower Essence Team since its inception, co-creating essences and working with clients. 
She is a British Flower Vibrational Essence Association Tutor and works in Vibrational Medicine, a registered Homeopath, Bioresonance and Natural Health Practitioner. 
Casey is the Chalice Well Essence Co Ordinator and has been a member of the Essence team for many years, to her delight. 
She is a British Flower and Vibrational Essence Association Tutor and has co-created her range of Wildheart Animal Essences which were developed to help people connect with animals and the land we live on. 
“A beautiful experience to 
co-create and learn in a loving space, the sacred process of essence making.” 
workshop participant 

Discovering Chalice Well Essences 

Friday 28th - Sunday 30th March 2025 
During this workshop you will: 
Learn how to attune to the healing power of nature, plants and flowers in the Chalice Well garden beside the living waters. This module gives you an in depth appreciation of flower and vibrational essences 
You will be able to experience plant spirit medicine and increase your sensitive awareness of the healing energies of nature 
You will be able to co-create a special essence to gain an understanding of the Chalice Well Essences approach and philosophy 
This is a 3 day module at Chalice Well. Companions of the Well may be able to book to stay at our lovely Retreat House at an extra cost 

Essences for Wellbeing and Transformation 

Friday 11th - Sunday 12th July 2025 
During this Chalice Well Essences workshop about wellbeing and transformation you will: 
Learn about Chalice Well Essences and other ranges 
Combine essential oils with flower essences to make an aura spray and a hand cream 
Develop your intuitive abilities for use in essence consultations and learn appropriate skills for becoming an essences practitioner 
Bring awareness of how to use essences in everyday life, with friends and family 
Carry out practice consultations 
This is a 3 day module at Chalice Well. Companions of the Well may be able to book to stay at our lovely Retreat House at an extra cost 

Energies and Energy Fields 

Friday 9th - Sunday 11th May 2025 
During this 3-day workshop that helps to deepen your connection with flower and vibrational essences and Chalice Well you will: 
Be able to work with the spiritual dimensions of the Chalice Well Garden to explore human, earth & cosmic energies 
We will explore the human energy field and demonstrate ways of protecting and healing the aura, energies centres and chakras 
In a special dowsing masterclass you will learn how to use dowsing rods to detect energies of place. We will also learn to dowse to select essences for consultations 
This is a 3 day module at Chalice Well. Companions of the Well may be able to book to stay at our lovely Retreat House at an extra cost 

Way of the Practitioner 

Friday 12th - Sunday 14th September 2025 
During this workshop about becoming a Chalice Well Essences Practitioner you will: 
Learn to develop enhanced practitioner skills with clients 
Visualisation and practical ways to create the appropriate environment for you to conduct essences consultations 
Fine tuning the ways of working with essences for treatments 
You will be able to co-create your own Practitioner level flower essence, through your deep connection with the Chalice Well Garden to support you energetically as you follow your Practitioner journey 
As a Chalice Well flower essence practitioner, learn how to apply best practice and ensure your offering complies with legal requirements 
This is a 3 day module at Chalice Well. Companions of the Well may be able to book to stay at our lovely Retreat House at an extra cost 

Discovering Chalice Well Essences 

Friday 28th - Sunday 30th March 2025 
During this inspiring workshop you will: 
Learn how to attune to the healing power of nature, plants and flowers in the Chalice Well garden beside the living waters. This module gives you an in depth appreciation of flower and vibrational essences 
You will be able to experience plant spirit medicine and increase your sensitive awareness of the healing energies of nature 
You will be able to co-create a special essence to gain an understanding of the Chalice Well Essences approach and philosophy 
This is a 3 day module at Chalice Well. Companions of the Well may be able to book to stay at our lovely Retreat House at an extra cost 

Energies and Energy Fields 

Friday 9th - Sunday 11th May 2025 
During this 3-day workshop that helps to deepen your connection with flower and vibrational essences and Chalice Well you will: 
Be able to work with the spiritual dimensions of the Chalice Well Garden to explore human, earth & cosmic energies 
We will explore the human energy field and demonstrate ways of protecting and healing the aura, energies centres and chakras 
In a special dowsing masterclass you will learn how to use dowsing rods to detect energies of place. We will also learn to dowse to select essences for consultations 
You will also be able to create an essence spray for your aura or to create sacred space 
This is a 3 day module at Chalice Well. Companions of the Well may be able to book to stay at our lovely Retreat House at an extra cost 

Essences for Wellbeing and Transformation 

Friday 11th - Sunday 13th July 2025 
During this Chalice Well Essences workshop about wellbeing and transformation you will: 
Learn about Chalice Well Essences and other ranges 
Combine essential oils with flower essences to make an aura spray and a hand cream 
Develop your intuitive abilities for use in essence consultations and learn appropriate skills for becoming an essences practitioner 
Bring awareness of how to use essences in everyday life, with friends and family 
Carry out practice consultations 
This is a 3 day module at Chalice Well. Companions of the Well may be able to book to stay at our lovely Retreat House at an extra cost 

Way of the Practitioner 

Friday 12th - Sunday 14th September 2025 
During this workshop about becoming a Chalice Well Essences Practitioner you will: 
Learn to develop enhanced practitioner skills with clients 
Visualisation and practical ways to create the appropriate environment for you to conduct essences consultations 
Fine tuning the ways of working with essences for treatments 
You will be able to co-create your own Practitioner level flower essence, through your deep connection with the Chalice Well Garden to support you energetically as you follow your Practitioner journey 
As a Chalice Well flower essence practitioner, learn how to apply best practice and ensure your offering complies with legal requirements 
This is a 3 day module at Chalice Well. Companions of the Well may be able to book to stay at our lovely Retreat House at an extra cost 
This is an advanced workshop open to those who are working towards, or who have existing practitioner accreditation in flower essences.** 
** To gain full Advanced Practitioner accreditation, practitioners are required to have a Level 2 Anatomy & Physiology qualification. For those practitioners who need to gain this, Chalice Well Essences offers a home study course.