Many paths one source
Chalice Well welcomes pilgrims and visitors of all spiritual paths, faiths and beliefs. We seek to facilitate a connection between people, nature and the spirit of this special place.
Gathering together in our beautiful garden or spending time in our retreat house enables people a shared acknowledgement of the sacred and divine that transcends borders and differences. With the challenges facing the world today, we believe that this has never been more relevant or important.
The Chalice Well Trust was originally founded by Wellesley Tudor Pole in 1959 to ensure that this very ancient Holy Well could continue to be available to all – forever. We are the guardians of the living sanctuary. We ensure its safety and anchor its purpose to ensure that as many people now and in future years can benefit from its positive energies. Our vision is to protect and sustain the Chalice Well as a place of deep resonance for all those who visit, from near and afar, and for all who work or volunteer there, and to work alongside all people of good will and true heart to sustain this sacred place as a beacon of hope throughout the world
The purposes of the Trust are:
To preserve in perpetuity the property known as the Chalice Well in Glastonbury in the county of Somerset and surrounding lands for the benefit of the public, so that they may for ever have access to this living sanctuary as a place of pilgrimage and rest;
To preserve and safeguard the said Chalice Well and its surroundings and to beautify them;
To advance religious and spiritual activities and permit members of the public of all religious and spiritual paths to take advantage of such facilities as the Chalice Well Trust can offer for pilgrimage, quiet contemplation and healing;
To advance education in all ways by encouraging the study and enjoyment of the sacred through the arts, particularly as may be associated with the said Chalice Well and its surroundings.

The Chalice Well Trust own copyright to the name of Chalice Well. We do not licence the use of the name, the logo or symbol under any circumstances. We do not allow any individual or business to use Chalice Well on products for commercial gain, as this would imply that we have agreed to their production, creation, manufacture, including ingredients, quality, safety and use, amongst other considerations.