Well Maidens of the Summerlands Oracle Deck - Limited Edition


The inspirational Oracle Deck that weaves together the Well Maidens, women of the Arthurian Legends, the Fairy Accord and the Knight protectors, with the Glastonbury Zodiac. Limited first editions, with gold leaf .



In the 1920s the Arthurian scholar and mystic, Katharine Emma Maltwood, discovered what is now known as The Glastonbury Zodiac - which she came to see as King Arthur's Round Table of the Stars. For nearly one hundred years people have been working with this treasured and sacred landscape.

Bahli Mans-Morris had many visionary experiences whilst working with The Glastonbury Zodiac. Bahli's 'Ladies' came to her over many visions. Each lady was a woman from the Arthurian Romances and each lady represented a sign of the zodiac.

This system is growing into being; of individuals working with their own inner and outer landscapes, working with the Well Maiden tradition and the Arthurian Mystery Traditions, to restore the Wasteland and to heal ourselves and our planet.

This Oracle deck is in a beautiful box and comes with a booklet giving the meanings and interpretations of each card, written by Bahli's daughter, Casey Jon